Experience success teaching your first remote lesson

Experience success teaching your first remote lesson

The resources below are designed to assist you in making your very first remote lesson a success.

A practical guide to running a smooth online lesson

Jordan Anderson, an experienced distance-education teacher from the Virtual School Victoria, has put together an in-depth collection of practical tips for running a smooth online lesson with your students.

Introducing your students to Stile

We’ve created a short unit to help familiarise your students to Stile. These three lessons are designed to introduce the basics of Stile to students who are using it for the first time.

Click here to view our ‘Introducing your students to Stile’ unit.

Teaching with Zoom Checklist

Lauriston Girls’ School have been kind enough to share their ‘Teaching with Zoom Checklist’ that they use for running their remote classes.

COVID-19 resources and remote learning strategies

Click here for further resources on COVID-19 and remote learning strategies.