Save time on marking

It may be tempting to collect Stile's digital revision activities and Stile X booklets and closely mark each page, providing feedback on every question. Not only is this time-consuming, it’s also unnecessary. Stile's revision resources are most effective when students use it as their tool for learning. By completing the revision activities, glossaries and practice tests, they’re applying learning techniques that are rooted in cognitive science. The structure and scaffolding provided mean students can use these revision materials independently, and metacognitive reflection tasks encourage them to consider where they’ve been successful and where they should focus their efforts. This means it doesn’t require close marking or feedback from you.
Don’t mark Stile's revision resources. Just check that they've been attempted.
So what should a teacher do? Encourage your students to fully engage with everything that the revision resources have to offer. The science behind Stile's revision resources tells us that students who use it achieve better results. Set the expectation that you’ll be checking to see if they’ve completed each section of their digital worksheets or booklets and make this completion part of their final mark.
This is where the Quick-Flick Checklist comes in. Here’s our recommendation:
- At the end of a unit, collect your students' completed revision worksheets or Stile X booklets
- Print a copy of the Quick-Flick Checklist for each student
- Complete the checklist for each student while scanning your eyes over their booklet. This takes less than 60 seconds and gives you a score that can make up part of their total mark for the unit.
- Return the documents to your students, along with the completed checklist. It provides excellent feedback about how students could enhance their learning.
To save you time, we’ve also created a peer assessment version of the Quick-Flick Checklist. Print out a copy for each student, and allocate 10 minutes of class time for students to swap their revision worksheets or booklets and fill it in. By reading the criteria and using them to assess someone else’s engagement with the revision materials, students will become even more familiar with how to get the most out of these learning tools.
Compare students’ checklist scores with their test results, and we bet you’ll see a correlation! In fact, teachers have told us they’ve noticed a relationship between engagement with Stile's revision resources and student outcomes.
We’d love to hear how these checklists are working for you. Reach out to to let us know.
P.S. Special thanks to Campbell Wilson at Montmorency Secondary College, whose ideas inspired this resources.