Stile Super Teacher Challenge 2021: Captain Missions
Unleash your inner super captain!

15 March - 5 July 2021
The Super Teacher Challenge is back and better than ever. We're calling on all of our 2020 Super Teachers to step up and become Stile Super Teacher Captains. As a Captain, you will guide your squad to conquer a series of six missions to boost their Stile superpowers and be in the running to win some incredible prizes.
The AITSL (at a highly accomplished and/or lead level) and NZ Teaching standards addressed in this challenge are: 1.1, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 3.4, 5.2, 6.1 - 6.4 and 1.1, respectively.
First time doing the challenge? Click here.
How to participate
The Super Teacher Challenge consists of one mission per fortnight over the term, from the 15th March to the 5th July and is open to 2020's Stile Super Teachers at Stile schools.
Every second Sunday from April 25, we’ll email you all the details you need to complete each mission. The missions are designed to be accomplished in a single lesson.
The Super Teacher Captain completes every mission themselves and supports their squad in completing each mission.

The Missions
Assemble the Squad Mission: 15 March - 26 April
Get involved in the challenge!
A Stile Super Teacher Captain uses their superpowers to get themselves and their team registered for the 2021 Challenge.
Step 1: Register yourself here.
Step 2: Take note of the referral code contained in the registration form.
Step 3: Pass on the referral code to your colleagues to use during their registration for the challenge.
Bonus step: Share a photo of your Stile Super Squad assembling in the Stile Teachers Facebook Group by Monday, 29th March for a chance to win morning tea on us.
Blended Learning Mission: 26 April - 10 May
Harness the full power of Stile as a blended learning tool.
The Blended Learning Super Teacher Captain effectively uses Stile as a framework to balance screen-time, direct instruction, student discussion and practical activities and supports their squad as they develop these superpowers. This mission is focused on using Stile as a blended learning tool in the classroom with your students.
Feedback Mission: 10 May - 24 May
Deliver feedback quickly and easily with maximum impact.
The Feedback Super Teacher Captain uses Stile to deliver targeted, timely and specific feedback to their students and supports their squad as they develop these superpowers. This week’s mission is focused on providing written feedback in a way that is quick and simple.
Differentiation Mission: 24 May - 7 June
Embrace differentiation tools to cater to students’ specific needs.
The Differentiation Super Teacher Captain uses Stile’s editing functions to make lessons that are just right for them and their learners. They make adjustments to Stile’s content so that it’s an even better fit for their teaching style, their school’s curriculum, and their students’ needs. In addition, they support their squad as they develop these superpowers.
Multiple Exposures Mission: 7 June - 21 June
Pair up with the ultimate revision sidekick, Stile quiz, to enhance student understanding and mastery of the basics.
The Multiple Exposures Super Teacher Captain provides students with multiple, spaced interactions with new information is the key to deepening their understanding and they support their squad as they develop these superpowers. This week’s mission is focused on using Stile quiz (a.k.a Squiz) to provide students with multiple, spaced interactions.
Reflection Mission: 21 June - 5 July
Reflect on the challenge and share your superpowers with the squad.
The Reflective Super Teacher Captain is continuously reflecting on their professional practice to apply professional learning and improve student learning. They share their learnings with their team and facilitate high-quality professional learning opportunities for colleagues that focus on improved student learning and they support their squad to develop these superpowers.
Incredible prizes
- Every teacher who completes a mission will receive a certificate stating the relevant teacher standards addressed. These make great evidence for your professional development portfolio.
- Teachers who complete all 6 missions will receive a special edition Stile Super Teacher Challenge pin, and shiny new stickers for each challenge.
- Every teacher who participates will go into the draw to win a $1000 Prezzee card and Stile gift pack.
- The most creative "super-themed" photo of your department shared to our Stile Teachers Facebook Group will win a morning tea on us.
Prizes for Super Teacher Captains only
Every Captain who successfully refers at least one colleague to the challenge will go into a draw to win a set of Stile posters and a PL ticket.
Every Captain who completes the challenge will receive the following:
- Certificate stating the relevant 'leading teacher' and 'highly accomplished' teacher standards addressed
- A special edition Stile Super Teacher Captain Challenge pin
- Stile Super Teacher Captain lab coat
- Email signature

Read the FAQs here.

Have any other questions?
We’d be happy to answer them. Simply email us or call:
Australia: 1300 918 292
New Zealand: 0800 000 252
International: +61 3 8539 3289.