Super Teacher Challenge 2021: FAQs

Will you tell me that I’ve been successful after each mission?
We sure will! Successful participants will be emailed their certificates on the Tuesday following the mission.
I’m not in Australia. Can I still take part?
You sure can! The challenge will operate on Australian Eastern Standard Time, so be sure to work out the time difference to have each mission completed on time.
Are the missions the same as last year?
Yes, some of the missions are the same as last year, but that’s for a very good reason! We want teachers to gain an understanding of how to use high impact teaching strategies with Stile. The missions emphasise best practise, and are designed to encourage you to use Stile in ways we know are successful.
I did the challenge last year. Can I do it again?
Yes, and we strongly encourage it! In fact, we encourage you to complete the challenge as a Stile Captain. You’ll be familiar with what’s required, you'll able be support your colleagues as they participate and, of course, you’ll be in to win prizes.
Can there be more than one Stile Super Teacher Captain per school?
Absolutely! As a team, the Captains can support their colleagues to successfully complete the challenge.
How does a Stile Super Teacher Captain successfully complete the entire challenge?
A Captain will need to complete all of the missions, support all of their colleagues whilst they complete the missions and ensure that they complete the entire challenge. The number of teachers who completed the challenge will be cross-referenced with the number specified in the registration form to verify completion.
My school doesn’t use Stile, can I still participate in the challenge?
No, the Stile Super Teacher Challenge is only open to teachers at Stile-using schools. However, if you wish to trial Stile at your school (and join in the super teacher challenge fun!), email
When will I get my prizes?
We’ll send out prizes like lab coats once the challenge has finished. Depending on how far away you are, you can expect to get your prizes in mid August.

Have any other questions?
We’d be happy to answer them. Simply email us or call:
Australia: 1300 918 292
New Zealand: 0800 000 252
International: +61 3 8539 3289.