Super Teacher Challenge 2022: FAQs

Who can take part in the challenge?
All science teachers at schools who have a subscription to Stile and in particular, teachers who are new to Stile or who haven’t used it much before. Each of the four missions is designed to take you from Stile newbie to expert in no time!
How long is the challenge running for?
You can complete the missions whenever you like!
Do I have to complete all of the missions in the challenge?
No you don’t! You might already be an expert in some of these skills, and in that case we’d encourage you to focus on completing the missions that will boost your Stile superpowers.
Will you tell me that I’ve been successful after each mission?
We sure will! Successful participants will be emailed a certificate within ten working days after they've submitted their mission reflection.
I earned Super Teacher status in a previous challenge. Should I do it again?
This year's challenge is designed for teachers who are new to Stile or who aren't familiar with how to use it effectively. If you've already earned Super Teacher Status, you might not learn much from this year's challenge, but you are still welcome to take part. Don't worry, we have something special in the works for Super Teachers (and Captains) from previous years, so watch this space!
"I completed one or more missions from a Super Teacher Challenge in a previous year, but not all of them. Can I do it again?
Yes, and we encourage it! Each of the 4 missions are brand new so there'll be something to learn from each of them and you can also pick and choose the ones that are relevant to you!
I’m not in Australia. Can I still take part?
You sure can!
Are the missions the same as last year?
No, each of the 4 missions is brand new, but that’s for a very good reason! We want to support new teachers to gain an understanding of how to navigate Stile and how to use it effectively in the classroom. The missions emphasise best practise, and are designed to encourage you to use Stile in ways we know are successful.
I use Stile but I'm not a science teacher, can I still take part?
Yes, you can! The skills you'll develop will still be useful in other areas.
My school doesn’t use Stile, can I still participate in the challenge?
No, the Stile Super Teacher Challenge is only open to teachers at Stile-using schools. However, if you wish to trial Stile at your school (and join in the super teacher challenge fun!), email
Do I get anything to show that I've participated?
Every teacher who completes a mission will receive a certificate stating the relevant teacher standards addressed by the mission. These make great evidence for your professional development portfolio.

Have any other questions?
We’d be happy to answer them. Simply email us or call:
Australia: 1300 918 292
New Zealand: 0800 000 252
International: +61 3 8539 3289.